
New Roof - Frequently Asked Questions

Roofing is something that most people never give much thought to, until they own their own! Then, it’s like anything else – your appliances, your walls, your plumbing. Something that has an important function, and something that needs maintenance and upkeep to keep it going over time. Even if you do all the necessary inspecting, maintenance and general good practices, roofs have a finite lifespan and will eventually get to the stage where they need replacing. But the question is, when? At what stage can a roof not simply be repaired, but would benefit from a complete overhaul? Ultimately, this is somewhat at your discretion, but  roofing contractors in Telford  can do our best to advise. Here are a few frequently asked questions to help you decide whether it might be time for a brand-new roof.  Does my roof need replacing?   Well, that’s quite a broad question! There are certainly plenty of things to consider and here are some of them:  - If your roof is old  This might sound silly, bu

Save Money with Roof Maintenance

Roofing, plumbing, flooring. Whatever the service, your house has, at one time, had people from all disciplines doing their part to create the space that you live in. We usually take it for granted, and don’t pay attention to the fact that everything has a finite lifespan. Walls get damp, grouting in floors starts to crack, and roofs are subjected to the elements all year round. Usually we don’t give much thought to these things – it’s simply a case of if something breaks, we call out a specialist to fix the problem. However, as any engineer or tradesman knows, preventative maintenance is one of the best things that can be done to extend the lifespan of anything that was physically made. Roofing is no exception. Here at  roofing contractors in Telford  we’ve put together a few simple things you should do to maintain the life of your roof and save you money in the future.  Keep your gutters clean and clear   One of the major problems that can lead to leaks in your roof is your guttering

Eight Tips for Choosing a Roofing Contractor

Check out the article!

5 Reasons to Repair Your Current Roof Instead of Replacing it 

5 Reasons to Repair Your Current Roof Instead of Replacing it

5 Reasons to Repair Your Current Roof Instead of Replacing it 

5 Reasons to Repair Your Current Roof Instead of Replacing it
Why you should always check your roofing company reviews... This isn't for people just in Telford, this is universal!!